Invitation for Applications / Nominations - Post of Deputy Vice-Chancellor
- Vacancies
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The Vice-Chancellor directed me to call applications from the following categories of members of academic staff for the Post of Deputy Vice- Chancellor.
Senior Professor
Associate Professor or
Senior Lecturer Grade I on the permanent staff
Subject to provisions of the Universities Act No. I 6 of 1978 and its subsequent amendments and to such directions as may be issued on that behalf from time to time by the Council, a Deputy Vice-Chancellor shall at all times act on the direction and instructions of the Vice-Chancellor. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor will assist the Vice-Chancellor in the exercise, performance and discharge of the powers, duties and functions conferred or imposed on or assigned to the Vice-Chancellor by the Act or by any appropriate instrument. The Academic staff member appointed as Deputy Vice-Chancellor is expected to undertake mainly, among other activities, the responsibilities and duties in connection with planning, organizing and managing activities of student services, student counselling and student discipline. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor is eligible to receive the salary of Professor and all allowances payable to the post of Professor. In addition, the allowances which are now paid to his / her substantive Post of the applicant will also paid. If a Senior Professor is appointed to this post he/she will continue to receive the salary and all other allowances attached to his/her substantive post. Applications accompanying complete curriculum vitae should be submitted to the Registrar, through relevant Heads of the Departments under confidential cover before 3.00 p.m. on 18th September 2020.