Monday, 17 March 2025

VACANCIES - University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

Applications will be received from qualified persons to fill the vacancies of the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.

  1. Post : Management Assistant (Book keeping) Grade 111
  2. Post : Management Assistant (Store keeping) Grade 111
  3. Post : Management Assistant (Shroff) Grade 111
  4. Post : Supervisor (Civil) Grade 111
  5. Post : Supervisor (Electrical) Grade 111
  6. Post : Supervisor (Landscape) Grade 111
  7. Post : Works Superintendent (Civil)
  8. Post : Carpenter Grade 11
  9. Post : Nurseryman, Grade (11)
  10. Post : Technical Officer (ICT) Grade III


Qualifications English

Qualifications Sinhala



Method of Application :

Application forms could be downloaded from the University Website ( Duly completed Applications on prescribed forms should be sent with copies of relevant certificates, indicating the post applied for on the top left hand corner of the envelope to reach the Assistant Registrar/ Non-Academic Establishment Division, University of Kelaniya, Dalugama, Kelaniya, to be received on or before 28th September 2020.     

Age limit will be not applicable for applicants from higher Education Institutes, Government Departments, Corporations and Statutory Boards and they should channel their applications through the respective Head of Institutions.

The University reserves the right to shortlist the candidates.

Applications which are not fulfilling the required qualifications, incomplete, illegible applications and those received after the closing date will be rejected and they will not be considered again under any circumstance.


University of Kelaniya



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