Sunday, 16 March 2025

Vacancies of the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

Applications will be received from qualified persons to fill the vacancies of the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.

01. Post : Marshal (Grade II)
1. i. A graduate of a recognized University/Higher Educational Institution.
ii. Age - Between 30-45 years
iii. Physique - Male Height : 5’ 5”  Chest : 32” deflated  Female Height : 5’ 4”
   Note: Preference will be given to those who posses experience in Police/Armed Forces and active participation in sports activities, social welfare activities within the university and at national level.
2. A person who has experience in a post not below the rank of major in the Armed Forces in Sri Lanka or not below the equivalent rank in Sri Lanka Police.

Selection : By Interview
Salary Scale : Rs. 42885 – 18x660 – 54765 p.m. [UMN 3 (II) as at 01.01.2020 as per commission circular No. 17/2016 & 17/2016 (v)]
In addition to the salary, the cost of living allowances and other approved allowances will be paid to the selected candidate/s.

02. Post : Security Inspector (Grade II)
i. a) G.C.E. (O/L) Examination in six subject at not more than two sittings with credit passes in 5 subjects. The credit passes must include Sinhala/Tamil language or Literature and Arithmetic/Commercial Arithmetic/Mathematics.
     b) Employees of the University System with not less than 5 years satisfactory service and who have passed the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination in 06 subjects at not more than 03 sitting. The subjects passed must include Sinhala/Tamil language or Literature and Arithmetic/Commercial Arithmetic/Mathematics.
ii. Not less than 05 years satisfactory service in the Police or Armed service or Security service in the University System or other recognized security organization.
iii. Should have activity participated in Sports.
iv. Height : Not less than 5 feet and 4 inches.  Chest : Not less than 34 inches (Normal)

Selection : By Interview
Salary Scale : Rs. 30,725 – 17x300 – 35,825 p.m.[UMN 1 (IIIA) as at 01.01.2020 as per commission circular No. 17/2016]
In addition to the salary, the cost of living allowances and other approved allowances will be paid to the selected candidate/s.

03. Post : Mason (Grade II)
(i) Should have passed Grade 08.
(ii) Should be conversant with –
     (a) Brick work and the different types of courses used in the construction of wall footings, wall arches, taper pillers, chimneys, sewer chambers etc.;
     (b) All types of plaster, mixing and laying of reinforced concrete;
     (c) Reading plans and setting out foundations for simple construction;
     (d) Colour washing including use of emulsion paint.
(iii) Not less than 2 years experience in masonry.

The Applications submitted without service certificates will be rejected and treated as not qualified.
Age: Not more than 45 years.
Salary Scale: Rs. 29915-16×270-34235 p.m. [U-PL3(III)]
(Salary Scale for 2020 as per Commission Circular No. 17/2016)
In addition, other allowances recommended by the University Grants Commission will also be paid.
Selection Method: By a Trade Test and an interview.

04. Post : Electrician (Grade II)
(i) Ability to read and write.
(ii) Should be conversant with –
     (a) Detecting faults, repairs and assembly of materials, transformers and all types of machinery and appliances, cables, wires and their ratings, measuring instruments and their uses, various types of wiring, joining, testing meters and small transformers;
     (b) Reading and understanding drawings and diagrams. Reading scales and record fractional dimensions;
     (c) Care and the use of the tools in the trade.
(iii) Not less than 2 years experience as an Electrician in a Government Department, State Corporation or in a recognized establishment.

The Applications submitted without service certificates will be rejected and treating them as not qualified.
Age: Not more than 40 years.
Salary Scale: Rs. 29915-16×270-34235 p.m. [U-PL3(III)]
(Salary Scale for 2020 as per Commission Circular No. 17/2016)
In addition, other allowances recommended by the University Grants Commission will also be paid.
Selection Method: By a Trade Test and an interview.

05. Mechanic (Grade II)
(i) Should have passed Grade 08.
(ii) Should be conversant with –
     (a) Reading scales, micrometers and recording fractional dimensions;
     (b) Specialized types of fitting of plant and machinery of steam, motor and diesel or the operation of workshop machinery such as lathes milling machines and shaping machines; and
(iii) Reading and understanding drawings.
(iv) Not less than 2 years experience as a Mechanic or Machine Operator.

The Applications submitted without service certificates will be rejected and treated as not qualified.
Age: Not more than 45 years.

Salary Scale: Rs. 29915-16×270-34235 p.m. [U-PL3(III)] (Salary Scale for 2020 as per Commission Circular No. 17/2016)
In addition, other allowances recommended by the University Grants Commission will also be paid.

Selection Method: By a Trade Test and an interview.


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Method of Application :
Application forms could be downloaded from the University Website ( Duly completed Applications on prescribed forms should be sent with copies of relevant certificates, indicating the post applied for on the top left hand corner of the envelope to reach the Assistant Registrar/ Non-Academic Establishment Division, University of Kelaniya, Dalugama, Kelaniya, to be received on or before 2nd November 2020. Age limit will be not applicable for applicants from higher Education Institutes, Government Departments, Corporations and Statutory Boards and they should channel their applications through the respective Head of Institutions. The University reserves the right to shortlist the candidates. Applications which are not fulfilling the required qualifications, incomplete, illegible applications and those received after the closing date will be rejected and they will not be considered again under any circumstance.

University of Kelaniya


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