Research Assistant (Full Time)
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The Department of Physics and Electronics, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya seeks a dynamic and energetic candidate for a RA (Full Time) position for an ongoing project funded by AHEAD/RIC (Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development/Research, Innovation, and Commercialization) Grant.
The candidates should have a strong background in Electronics circuit design and implementation with a good academic record.
Project Title: Research, Innovation, and Commercialization of Consumer Electronics Products for Futuristic Smart Cities targeting International Market
Stipend: Maximum of LKR 55,000 + EPF/ETF per month (Amount will depend on qualification)
Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae along with a letter of motivation, copies of academic transcripts, a list of publications (if applicable, Google Scholar, Research Gate) and the contact information (e-mail) of two potential referees to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before 30th of June 2022. The appointments are for a period of nine months only. For further information, please contact Dr. A L A K Ranaweera[0112903342(Office) 0777179201(Mobile)], Department of Physics and Electronics, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya.
Preferred Competencies and Skills:
- Comprehensive understanding on Electronics circuit design, analysis and implementation (CAD tools, PCB design, Soldering, Testing, Troubleshooting, and etc)
- Computer Programming Knowledge
- Circuit Simulation
- Embedded System Design with Microcontrollers
- Ability to work in English fluently
- Ability to work efficiently and meet deadlines
- Strong communication and good interpersonal skills (Ability to work as a team)
Final deliverables must be commercializable products with a substantial research component. Those who have patented inventions will be given the preference.