Friday, 14 March 2025

Research Assistant (Full Time)

The Department of Physics and Electronics, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya seeks a dynamic and energetic candidate for a RA (Full Time) position for an ongoing project funded by AHEAD/RIC (Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development/Research, Innovation, and Commercialization) Grant.

The candidates should have a strong background in Electronics circuit design and implementation with a good academic record.

Project Title:        Research, Innovation, and Commercialization of Consumer Electronics Products for Futuristic Smart Cities targeting International Market

Stipend:                Maximum of LKR 55,000 + EPF/ETF per month (Amount will depend on qualification)

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae along with a letter of motivation, copies of academic transcripts, a list of publications (if applicable, Google Scholar, Research Gate) and the contact information (e-mail) of two potential referees to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before 30th of June 2022. The appointments are for a period of nine months only. For further information, please contact Dr. A L A K Ranaweera[0112903342(Office) 0777179201(Mobile)], Department of Physics and Electronics, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya.

Preferred Competencies and Skills:

  1. Comprehensive understanding on Electronics circuit design, analysis and implementation (CAD tools, PCB design, Soldering, Testing, Troubleshooting, and etc)
  2. Computer Programming Knowledge
  3. Circuit Simulation
  4. Embedded System Design with Microcontrollers
  5. Ability to work in English fluently
  6. Ability to work efficiently and meet deadlines
  7. Strong communication and good interpersonal skills (Ability to work as a team)

Final deliverables must be commercializable products with a substantial research component. Those who have patented inventions will be given the preference.


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