Wednesday, 12 March 2025

University of Kelaniya - Vacancies ( Temporary Lecturer / Junior Fellow / Temporary Demonstrator)

Applications will be entertained by me up to 24.01.2020 for the following posts for the Academic year 2018/2019

DEPARTMENTS OF SINHALA (Sinhala), HINDI (Hindi Studies), PALI & BUDDHIST STUDIES (For Pali, Buddhist Culture, Buddhist Philosophy and Buddhist Psychology preference will be given to those who can teach in both English medium and Sinhala medium), ENGLISH (English Studies), SANSKRIT & EASTERN STUDIES, FINE ARTS (Performing Arts, Visual Arts & Design, Image Arts, Drama & Theatre, Cinema & Television) LINGUISTICS (Tamil, Translation Methods), MODERN LANGUAGES (French, German, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Spanish), WESTERN CLASSICAL CULTURE & CHRISTIAN CULTURE (Western Classical Culture, Christian Culture) and DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING (Teaching English as a Second Language)
(I) Temporary Lecturer
(II) Junior Fellow
(III) Temporary Demonstrator

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