Saturday, 15 March 2025

A workshop on Introducing Energy Saving Strategies

As a step towards contributing to minimizing energy wastage, a workshop on Introducing Energy Saving Strategies was held at 9.00 am on the 29th of November 2022 at the Auditorium of the Staff Development Centre of the University of Kelaniya. 

It was organized by the Centre for Sustainability Solutions (CSS), the Staff Development Center (SDC) and the Computer Centre, Faculty of Medicine of the university, to raise energy conservation awareness among selected non-academic staff members. These members upon completion of the training are expected to train nonacademic staff in their respective faculties. Further, the outcome and experience of this workshop will serve as a preliminary trial for the energy management program that will be extended to the students. 

Selected non-academic staff members representing all faculties and administrative divisions participated in this workshop.

Mrs. Piume Madhushani and Mr. T. Gunathilake, Technical officers from the computer center of the faculty of Medicine conducted the first session of the workshop, introducing easy and simple tips that can be practiced in the work environment to save energy. The second session of the workshop was covered by Dr. J.A. Senevirathne, CSS representative on the topic of “Energy saving strategies and misconceptions”. The session was concluded with a discussion on “Way forward – plan of action to reduce energy wastage at UOK”. Dr. Pavithra Godamunne, Director, SDC, and Dr. Wasanthi Subasinghe, Director, CSS also joined the discussion. The workshop concluded on a positive note with plans to mitigate energy wastage as a short-term goal.  


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