Saturday, 27 July 2024

Team Career Fair 2024 Appointed

The Letters of appointment were handed over to the Career Fair Team 2024 by the Director of the Career Guidance Unit (CGU), Senior Professor Dikushi Wettewe at the auditorium of the CGU on the 22nd of January 2024. All the Committee Members of the Career Fair 2024 from the student clubs affiliated with the CGU, with the objective of developing leadership skills in undergraduates and enhancing their involvement in university events.

The President of the Rotaract Club, Roshan Rathnayake was appointed as the Chairperson of CF 2024 and Co-Chair, of Industry Coordination. The rest of the CF 2024 Committee was comprised of the President of AIESEC, Ama Niyangoda as the Co-Chair, Internal Coordination, and Secretary, the President of the Gavel Club, Sithiji Kavishma as the Co-chair, Marketing, and Branding, the President of the Leo Club, Bawantha Wedagedara as the Co-Chair, Treasurer and Events Coordinator, the President of the LED Club, Chathuka Ravindu as the Co-Chair, External Relations.



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