Saturday, 15 March 2025

Prof. Jayamaha Reappointed as the Dean of the FGS

Prof. Ariyarathne Jayamaha was reappointed as the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The appointment letter was handed over to the Dean by the Vice- Chancellor, Prof. D.M. Semasinghe on the 08th of March 2019 at the Vice- Chancellor’s Office.

Present at the occasion were Senior Prof. Lakshman Senevirathne, Deputy Vice- Chancellor, Prof. Patrick Rathnayake, Dean- Faculty of Humanities, Senior Lecturer Dr. P.N.D. Fernando, Dean- Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies and Mr. K.B.S.L. Wijeratne, Senior Assistant Registrar- FGS.

Professor Ariyarathna Jayamaha, Professor of Accounting attached to the Department of Accountancy, obtained his primary and secondary education from Thurstan College, Colombo. He gained admission to the University of Kelaniya in 1978 and obtained his bachelor’s degree in 1982. He joined, as a lecturer, to the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka in 1983 and was promoted as a senior lecturer in 1991 after obtaining Master of Commerce degree from the same university.

Over the years, Prof. Jayamaha served as the Head of the Department of Human Resource Management, Head of the Department of Accountancy and Coordinator of the Master of Business Administration programme of the Faculty of Commerce and Management studies, University of Kelaniya. In 2005, he proceeded to the University of Southern Queensland, Australia, for his doctoral studies, and in 2010 was awarded the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. His PhD research at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia, was on ‘Accounting and Financial Practices and Efficiency of Small Financial Institutions in Sri Lanka.’ Prof. Jayamha’s work was focused on the efficiency of small and medium size enterprises in Sri Lanka and findings were presented at the national and international conferences and published in many peer reviewed local and international journals. He has supervised a number of postgraduate theses relevant to the area of Accounting and Finance.

Prof. Jayamaha is also a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka since 1993. As a qualified chartered accountant he discharged his duties and as a consultant for various types of extension programs and thereby he was able to contribute policy making endeavours for the National Education system of Sri Lanka. Further, he employs private practice as an auditor and consultant for many private sector organizations in Sri Lanka since 1998.


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