- Vacancies
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The University of Kelaniya will entertain applications from suitably qualified persons for the following posts up to 10th September 2021.
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Mass Communication
Lecturer (Probationary) / Lecturer (Unconfirmed) / Senior Lecturer Gr. II/I
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Senior Professor/Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Department of Medicine
Lecturer (Probationary) / Lecturer (Unconfirmed) / Senior Lecturer Gr. II/I
Department of Disability Studies
Lecturer (Probationary) / Lecturer (Unconfirmed) / Senior Lecturer Gr. II/I
Department of Paediatrics
Lecturer (Probationary) / Lecturer (Unconfirmed) / Senior Lecturer Gr. II/I
Faculty of Humanities
Department of Sinhala
Lecturer (Probationary) / Lecturer (Unconfirmed) / Senior Lecturer Gr. II/I
Below Details were updated on 17.08.2021 at 15.37
Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies
Department of Commerce & Financial Management
Lecturer (Probationary) / Lecturer (Unconfirmed) / Senior Lecturer Gr. II/I
1. Business Technology - I*
2. Business Technology - II*
3. Finance*
4. Entrepreneurship*
5. Commerce*
Department of Finance
Lecturer (Probationary) / Lecturer (Unconfirmed) / Senior Lecturer Gr. II/I
1. Finance*
2. Mathematics*
Department of Human Resource Management
Lecturer (Probationary) / Lecturer (Unconfirmed) / Senior Lecturer Gr. II/I
1. Human Resource Management*
*Candidates should submit separate applications for each post applied for
Salary Scales:
U-AC 3(IV) : Lecturer (Probationary):
Rs.54,600 – 10 x 1,335; - 67,590 p.m. (Approximate Gross Salary Rs. 136,110/-)
U-AC 3(III) : Lecturer (Unconfirmed):
Rs.69,580 – 5 x 1,630 – 77,730 p.m. (Approximate Gross Salary Rs. 182,445/-)
U-AC 3 (II) : Senior Lecturer Grade II:
Rs.79,360 – 11 x 1,630 – 97,290 p.m. (Approximate Gross Salary Rs. 222,865/-)
U-AC 3 (I): Senior Lecturer Grade I:
Rs. 91,310 – 7 x 2,170 – 106,500 p.m. (Approximate Gross Salary Rs. 255,250/-)
U-AC 5 (II) : Professor:
Rs. 117,350 - 13 x 2,700 - 152,450 p.m. (Approximate Gross Salary Rs. 338,727/-)
U-AC 5 (I): Senior Professor:
Rs. 139,175 – 11 x 2,925 – 171,350 p.m. (Approximate Gross Salary Rs. 407,232.25)
How to Apply:
Prescribed application forms and details regarding the above Posts could be obtained from the Deputy Registrar/Academic Establishments Division during office hours or Requests for application forms by post should be accompanied by a self–addressed stamped envelope of 23 x 10 cm in size. All applications together with copies of relevant certificates should be forwarded to the Deputy Registrar/Academic Establishments, University of Kelaniya, under registered cover to her or e-mail to the following e-mails address with scan copies on or before 10th September 2021. ("The Post Applied for and Department" should be mentioned in the subject line of the e-mail). Candidates should submit separate applications for each post applied for. Incomplete, illegible, or applications received after the closing date will be rejected. The post should be indicated on the top left-hand corner of the envelope.
Faculty of Social Sciences - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Faculty of Medicine - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Faculty of Humanities - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Applications from employees in the Government Departments, Corporations, Statutory Boards, UGC and Higher Educational Institutions should be channeled through their Heads of Institutions. The University reserve the right to short list the candidates.
University of Kelaniya