Post of Lecturer (Probationary) / Lecturer (Unconfirmed) / Senior Lecturer Gr. II/I
- Vacancies
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Prescribed application forms and details regarding the above Posts could be obtained from the Deputy Registrar/Academic Establishments Division during office hours or could be downloaded from the University
Website: Requests for application forms by post should be accompanied with a self–addressed stamped envelope of 23x10 cm in size. All applications together with copies of relevant certificates should be forwarded to the Deputy Registrar/Academic Establishments, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, under registered cover to him on or before 15th of March, 2020. Candidates should submit separate applications for each post applied for. Incomplete, illegible or late applications will be rejected. The post should be indicated on the top left hand corner of the envelope.
Department of Physics or Electronics