Vidulakara Newspaper launched at the University of Kelaniya
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The launching ceremony of the Vidulakara newspaper issued by the Communication and Media Unit of the University of Kelaniya was held on 3rd January 2024 at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Senior Professor Nilanthi De Silva, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Kelaniya participated as the Chief Guest of the event while the Librarian, Deans of the Faculties, and Heads of Departments participated as the Guests of Honor.
During this event, Senior Lecturer Saman Rajapaksha, Director of the Communication and Media Unit of the university welcomed the invitees and illuminated the objectives of the ceremony. The newspaper was then awarded to the clergy, Vice-Chancellor, Deans, and invitees from the Media.
Most Venerable Welamitiyawe Sri Gnanaratana Nayaka Thero, Chief Incumbent of Vidyalankara Maha Pirivena; Venerable Senior Professor Induragare Dhammarathana Thero of the Department of Sanskrit and Eastern Studies; Senior Professor Nilanthi De Silva - Vice-chancellor of the University of Kelaniya, Professor Emeritus Rohana Lakshman Piyadasa of the Department of Mass Communication, and Veteran Journalist Anura K. Edirisooriya delivered their speeches on the historical connotation of the Vidulakara Newspaper, Vidyalankara Pirivena, and the University of Kelaniya.
Moreover, prizes were awarded by Senior Professor Nilanthi De Silva, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Kelaniya to the Media Professionals who greatly contributed to enhancing the image of the University of Kelaniya.
Academic and non-academic staff of the University, invitees, and undergraduates were also present at the occasion.