Friday, 14 March 2025

Book reading by the German novelist Ronya Othmann

The Centre for International Affairs and the German Section of the Department of Modern Languages were privileged to host the German novelist Ms. Ronya Othmann, author of the best-selling novel “Die Sommer” (The Summers) at the university on 7th February 2024 at the Boardroom of the Faculty of Humanities. 

Ms. Othmann read from her original German version of the novel to the staff and students of German and presented some of her poems. The audience comprised the staff of the German section and students of German from all three years of the BA Degree Programme and the BA Honours Programme.

Senior Professor Neelakshi C. Premawardhena, Director, Centre for International Affairs welcomed the gathering. Mr. Stefan Winkler, the Director of the Goethe Institute, Colombo introduced the author Ms. Ronya Othmann. Ms. Marie Waarlo, the Librarian of the Goethe Institute was also present at the occasion. The Sinhala translation of the novel “Die Sommer” has been compiled by Ms. Ashani Ranasinghe, a Visiting Lecturer in German at the Department of Modern Languages.

Following the reading from the novel and the poems staff and students were involved in a fruitful discussion session with the author. This interactive dialogue facilitated a deeper understanding of her work and fostered a meaningful exchange of ideas.

The Centre for International Affairs and the German Section of the Department of Modern Languages are grateful to Ms. Ronya Othmann for sharing her literary works and extend their sincere thanks to the Director, Goethe Institute Mr. Stefan Winkler and the Librarian Ms. Marie Waarlo for providing this rare opportunity to the staff and students of German at the university.




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