Saturday, 06 July 2024

“Upanetha” Photography & Film Exhibition

“Upanetha” Photography & Film Exhibition: The “Upanetha” Photography & Film Exhibition annually organized by the Drama & Theatre and Image Arts Unit, Department of Fine Arts, University of Kelaniya was held on the 01st and 02nd of February 2019 at Namel Malini Punchi Theatre, Colombo. A variety of photographs, short films and documentary films were exhibited and a discussion on films was also conducted at the event.

Present at the inauguration were Prof. Patrick Ratnayake, Dean- Faculty of Humanities, Senior Prof. Ariyaratne Athugala, Director- Arts Council, Senior Lecturer Priyankara Ratnayake, Head- Drama & Theatre and Image Arts Unit, academic staff members of the Department of Fine Arts and undergraduates. Mr. Ravindra Randeniya delivered the keynote address of the inauguration which was participated by the veterans of the field of cinema and photography.


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