The International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems Engineering (SCSE) 2020
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The International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems Engineering (SCSE), which was held for the third consecutive time on the 24th of September, 2020 at the Department of Industrial Management marks a new milestone in today’s era of digitalization.
This first ever virtual conference in the history of the University of Kelaniya, was organized by the Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Science.
The conference brought together learned delegates from corporates and academia including leading academics, research scholars and industry experts and provided a forum to discuss recent innovations and trends as well as practical challenges encountered in the industrial and service sectors in the areas of Smart Computing and Systems Engineering. The conference was technically sponsored by IEEE Sri Lanka Section, SLASSCOM and Chartered Institute of Transport and Logistics (CILT).
Cadre Chair and Senior Prof. Nilanthi de Silva, Vice-Chancellor, University of Kelaniya graced the event as the Chief Guest and remarked on the appropriateness of the conference, given the changed landscape in the world due to the ongoing pandemic. The keynote speeches were delivered by Prof. Darshana Sedera, Deputy Dean- School of Business & Tourism and Director- Digital Enterprise Lab, Southern Cross University, Australia and Prof. Janaka Wijayanayake, University of Kelaniya. Their thought-provoking keynote speeches set a perfect platform for the speakers to deliver their presentations in the technical sessions afterwards.
The distinguished guests present at the occasion were Senior Prof. S.R.D. Kalingamudali, Dean- Faculty of Science, Cadre Chair and Senior Prof. N.P. Sunil Chandra, Chairman- Research Council, Senior Lecturer Dr. Suren Peter, Head- Department of Industrial Management and Senior Lecturer Dr. Dilani Wickramaarachchi, Conference Chair, who stood tall amidst the galore of educationists. Other academic staff members of the department, researchers along with the undergraduates of the Department of Industrial Management and the invitees embellished the occasion with their courteous presence.
The conference included presentations of thirty six papers under three tracks, Smart Computing, Systems Engineering, and Industry Forum 1.0, which was a new track introduced for the very first time, dedicated to highlight industry issues. Though the conference papers were presented in a virtual setting, the discussions at the presentations were thought provoking and informative and there is no doubt that the minds of all participants would have been nourished with the innovative exchanges, ideas and words of wisdom from the learned audience.