Saturday, 06 July 2024

The First of “Maths-in-Use” Seminar Series

The first seminar of “Maths-in-Use” Seminar Series jointly organized by the Department of Mathematics and Research Services Centre of the Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya was held on the 16th of November 2018 at the Board Room of the Faculty of Science. Promoting university- industry collaborative research was the prime objective of the seminar series.

Mr. E.M.A Bandara, RWP, RSP, MSc(Hydrography), MSc(GIS & RS),BSc Commander (H), CAT ‘A’ Hydrographic Surveyor & Visiting Lecturer, Commanding Officer SLNS Mihikatha was the resource person of the workshop and he conducted the lecture on: Hydrography, Nautical Chart, Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure, and Blue Economy for the “World We Want”.

Present at the occasion were Senior Lecturer Dr. K.K.K.R. Perera, Head- Department of Mathematics, academic staff members and the undergraduates of the Department. 



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