Wednesday, 03 July 2024

The KOICA OBA 3 volunteer team met Senior Professor Nilanthi De Silva, Vice Chancellor of the University of Kelaniya on the 8th of February 2024 at the Vice Chancellors’ Office in the university. The team included Hyewon Kang (Secretory-General), Sehee Kim (Vice-Secretory), Geonho Kim (Member), Jinwoo Lee (Member), Sieun Yang (Member), and Dr. Sulochani Ramanayake of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

The Association of Philosophy under the Department of Philosophy organized a Thai Pongal Day Celebration on 23rd January 2024 at “Mee Amba Sewana” of the University of Kelaniya. The event was organized to raise awareness about the diversity of cultures and to motivate students to discover different cultures and their values.

In a testament to their exemplary contributions to the field of Geography, Professor Lal Mervin Dharmasiri, Senior Professor, Chair and Head of the Department of Geography, and Professor A.G. Amarasinghe, Director of the Research Center for Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, were recently recognized and honored during their participation in various academic programs in India. The eminent professors took part in the 6th World Congress on Disaster Management (WCDM), held in Dehradun, India, on November 28, 2023.


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