- Notice
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Prospective candidates for the post of Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies are requested to send their self-prepared applications along with the above documents, through the respective Head of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty.
The documents should be placed in a sealed cover/envelope marked “Office of the Dean, FGS” and submitted to the Office of the Vice-Chancellor, University of Kelaniya, together with an email to reach This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before 04 December 2024. All applicants are required to read and adhere to “Procedure for appointment of Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya” approved by the Council at its 530th meeting held on 12.11.2024 . A copy is also attached herewith. Please read “Procedure for appointment of Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya” together with Annex I document.
Applications received after the closing date and/or incomplete will be rejected. The decision of the Council in respect of appointment to the Dean/FGS shall be the final.
University of Kelaniya
13 November 2024