The workshop “MakHer; Girls and STEM” held successfully at the University of Kelaniya
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A workshop entitled “MakHer; Girls and STEM” organized by the University Business Linkage Cell (UBL Cell) together with the Makers Global, Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) of Sri Lanka,
the Industry Interaction Cell for Computing and Technology (IICFTC), and IgniterSpace was held on the 11th of February 2023 from 8.30 am onwards at the MBA hall of the University of Kelaniya.
This MakHer program is offered by Makers Holdings (Pvt) Ltd and Ms. Nevindaree Premarathna, the CEO and the Founder of Makers Global is the lead facilitator of this workshop. The workshop was conducted with the objective of making young women aware of the concept of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and supporting them to pursue their passions in STEM.
Dr. Chandanamali Punchihewa, the CEO and the Chief Scientist of Genelabs Medical (Pvt) Ltd delivered the keynote speech of the event. More than 65 female undergraduates representing all the faculties of the University of Kelaniya, and female staff of the university participated in this workshop.