International HR Summit 2021
- Commerce and Management Studies
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International HR Summit 2021 was held on 12th of March 2021 F11 Hall, Ananda Patabedige New Building, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya. It was organized by the Department of Human Resource Management (HRM) of the University of Kelaniya for the fourth consecutive year and this year’s event was held on Zoom virtual platform.
Objectives of the event are to arouse a debate among the national and international HR Professionals, the academia and policy-makers on the unsurpassable dilemmas of the field, share and impart the new knowledge invented in academia, share the insights and developments of the postgraduate students and to showcase the brilliance and preparedness of the undergraduate students for professional engagement. The International HR Summit envisions bringing about the HR Academic intelligentsia, HR Professional circles, HR policymakers, HR Postgraduate, and Undergraduate students together in solidarity to ponder, debate, strategize and act on the important dilemmas of HRM that would impeccably contribute and determinate on future HRM.
The event was graced by Cadre Chair & Senior Prof. Nilanthi de Silva, Vice Chancellor- University of Kelaniya as the chief guest. The keynote address of this conference which was held under the theme “HRM in Times of Crisis”, was delivered by Associate Prof. Dr. Subramaniam Sri Ramalu, Director- Postgraduate Studies Unit, College of Business, University Utara Malaysia (UUM). Prof. Dr. Hanuman Prasad, Director and Chairman- Faculty of Management Studies, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur (Rajasthan) India appeared as the Guest of Honor. Further, this summit marked the virtual presence of both international and local Human Resource (HR) professionals, academia, policymakers, undergraduates, and postgraduates to disseminate their knowledge.