Long Service Awards and Vice- Chancellor’s Awards Ceremony 2020, Faculty of Commerce and Management
- Commerce and Management Studies
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Long Service Awards and Vice- Chancellor’s Awards Ceremony of the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya was held on the 10th of March 2021 at the Senate Room of the University of Kelaniya.
The prime objective of the Long Service Awards and Vice- Chancellor’s Awards Ceremony which is being held annually since 2007, was to appreciate the service of the academic & non- academic staff members during the last year and further encourage them.
Senior Prof. R. P. C. Ranjani, Department of Finance received a Gold Plated Medal and a Certificate for 35 years of Continuous and Meritorious Service while Prof. W.R.P.K. Fernando, Department of Commerce & Financial Management received a Bronze Plated Medal and a Certificate for 25 years of Continuous and Meritorious Service.
Ms. S.I. Wijenayake, Department of Marketing Management won the award for the Outstanding Early Career Researchers of the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies. Mr. W.A.D.N.R. Gunawardane, Department of Marketing Management won the second place.
Senior Lecturer Dr. D.M.R. Dissanayake, Department of Marketing Management won the award for the Outstanding Senior Researcher of the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies while Senior Lecturer Dr. Ruwan Abeysekera, Department of Finance and Senior Lecturer Dr. Dilrukshi Yapa Abeywardhana, Department of Accountancy won the second and third places respectively.
Senior Lecturer Dr. M.R.K.N. Yatigammana of the Department of Commerce and Financial Management was awarded as The Most Successful Directors of the Centre/ Unit/ Committee of the University and The Academic with the Most Outstanding Creative Production in the University.
Senior Lecturer Dr. P.N.D. Fernando, Dean- Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, awardees and other faculty staff members were among the participants of this special ceremony.