“Vaiṣākya varnanā – 2022” a Vesak celebratory program organized by the Department of Finance
- Commerce and Management Studies
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The Finance Students’ Association of the Department of Finance of the University of Kelaniya organized a number of special events commemorating the 2566th Vesak Poya Day at the premises of Commerce and Management Studies of the University of Kelaniya, on the 27th of May 2022.
The events included a Bakthi Gee program, “Vaiṣākya varnanā bäthi gī saraniya”and an ice-cream dansal. Also, the launch of the 2nd volume of the religious e-magazine “Vaiṣākya varņanā”, which is available on the university website and on social media, was also held at the Ānanda Patabandige Memorial Hall, on this day. The keynote speech of the event was delivered by Mr.Tharindu Weerasinghe, Senior Lecturer, of the Department of Human Resource Management. Printed copies of the magazine were presented to the Dean, the Head of the Department, and the guest lecturers who graced the event with their presence. Further, a copy of the magazine was also presented to the Vice-Chancellor of the University.