Saturday, 29 March 2025

“Sanpraashaa” Musical Miscellany

“Sanpraashaa” Musical Miscellany, jointly organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Sanskrutha ha Peradiga Shasthra Vidyaartha Parshad was held on the 01st of October 2018 at the Dharmaloka Hall, University of Kelaniya. The event was organized with the objective of motivating students to appreciate Sanskrit songs and improving their entertainment skills.

Ven. Prof. Induragare Dhammaratana Thero, Department of Sanskrit, Prof. Darshana Rathnayake, Department of Sinhala, University of Kelaniya and Prof. Saman Chandra Ranasinghe, Department of Languages, Cultural Studies and Performing Arts, University of Sri Jayewardenepura conducted the appreciation of songs while the veteran singer, Mr. Kuma Aththanayake and Ms. Fathima Ramsina performed the singing. The Journalist, Mr. Prabhath Senevirathne carried out the programme.

Ven. Dr. Kapugollewe Anandakiththi Thero, Chief Student Counsellor, Ven. Dr. Dodamkumbure Dhammadassi Thero, Director, Inter- Faculty Centre for Coordinating the Modular System, Senior Lecturer Mr. Noel Wijerathna, Senior Student Counsellor and academic staff members graced the event.


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