Automated Self Assessment Application to Give Basic Instructions for Covid Patients
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An automated self assessment application named Covid Triage Application has been designed by a research team of University of Kelaniya collaborating with the Ministry of Health to guide newly infected Covid patients with their basic health issues.
This app includes a manual on how to act as a Coronavirus infected person. This app named Covitriage SL easily gives access to Coronavirus affected people for their health guideline needs. Set of volunteers from the Information Technology sector has also contributed in making this app.
Main objective of this app is to give accurate guidance to a patient on home based care or hospitalization within two minutes. This app gives computer based guidance issued by medical specialists according to the health conditions of each patient. Access to the database is given by simply entering NIC number and the phone number. Being a trilingual app is another specialty.
This app has been introduced as an alternative for the information communication barriers raised with the increase of Coronavirus patients resulting in an overwhelmed health sector. Further, it gives solutions for hospitals overrun.
Research contribution in making this app has been given by Cadre Chair & Prof. Kumara Mendis, Lecturer Dr. S. S. Withana, Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Senior Lecturer Dr. U. P. Liyanage, Head- Department of Statistics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Lecturer Madara Karunarathne, Department of Sinhala, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya. Dr. Marsh Muthuthamby, Lecturer- Wayamba University of Sri Lanka has contributed to the function of the app in Tamil. Dr. K. Y. M. D. W. Kotugodawella and Dr. R. A. S. M. Senevirathna represented the Ministry of Health in contributing for the app design. Moreover, Mr. R. M. H. Wijesena, Mr. Sachitha Dilshan, Mr. Pasindu Chinthana contributed with their knowledge in Information Technology.