Saturday, 06 July 2024


All students of the Faculty of Science are hereby informed to apply for the  Repeat/Medical Subjects of the Semester I and II Examinations of the Academic Year  2019/2020.

The applicants  are  required to register for the repeat/modules in  the Faculty  Information  System  and  to  email  the  application  form  along  with  the  payment  receipt, to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. email address on or before the newly extended  deadline 17.11.2021 as per the following instructions:


Online Registration:

Register for the repeat/medical modules using the  ‘Registration-repeat’  tab in the Faculty Information system. 


Emailing the application:

Duly fill the  “Application for Repeat  Examinations” form which is available at the web address and place your e-signature.

The relevant amount should be deposited which is LKR 10.00 for a medical subject  and  LKR  100.00  for  a  repeat  subject,  to  the  Peoples  Bank,  Dalugama  Branch,  Account Name: University of Kelaniya, Account No: 055-100130667553

The duly filled application, copy of the medical approved letter, and the copy of the payment receipt should be attached as a single  PDF document to the  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  email address.  The  name  of  this  attachment  should  be  renamed in your registration number (eg: PS.2018.001)

Mention your registration number in the body of the email.

The subject of the email should be “Registration for Repeat/Medical Subjects”


To complete the repeat/medical subject registration it is mandatory to register in the  Faculty Information system and to email the application as instructed above. Failing to complete any of these two steps will result in not accepting your repeat application.

If you have any issues related to the above, contact the Faculty Office on  0112903201/0112903202/0112903204 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Applications received after 17.11.2021 will not be accepted.


Assistant Registrar

Faculty of Science



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