Research & Academic Collaboration Program (RACP) & Mini Symposium
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Research & Academic Collaboration Program 2019 (RACP) & Mini Symposium organized by Department of Statistics & Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya with the objective of promote collaborative research was held on 12th of October 2019 in Science Faculty Board Room.
“Synergizing Biomedical Research with Quantitative Methods” was the theme of the mini symposium was to provide platform for both researchers in Biomedical & Computational areas to collaborate in order to overcome analytical challenges.
Prof. Frank Konietschke, Institute of Biometry and Clinical Epidemiology, Charité - Berlin University of Medicine, Germany delivered the keynote speeches of the program.
The event was graced by Prof. D.M. Semasinghe, Vice- Chancellor of the University of Kelaniya as the Chief Guest. Moreover, Prof. B.M. Jayawardhane, Dean- Faculty of Science, Cadre Chair & Senior Prof. N.P. Sunil- Chandra, Chairman- Research Council, Senior Lecturer Dr. D.D.M. Jayasundara, Head- Department of Statistics & Computer Science, Senior Lecture Dr. Pansujee Dissanayake, Coordinator, RACP, academic staff members, undergraduates and researchers were present at the occasion.