Saturday, 15 March 2025

Visit of Erasmus+ Grantee from Masaryk University, Czech Republic

Ms. Natálie Nádeníčková, Instructor, Secretariat, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic was on Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training at the University of Kelaniya from 25th to 29th November 2019.

Ms. Nádeníčková was attached to the Centre for International Affairs during her mobility period.

A meeting with Prof. D.M. Semasinghe, Vice- Chancellor, University of Kelaniya was held on 25th November 2019 at the Vice Chancellor’s Office. The meeting was attended by Prof. Neelakshi C. Premawardhena, Director- International Affairs, Ms. Sashini Chandrasekara, Coordinator- International Cooperation and Ms. Thilini Samanmalee, Coordinator- International Student Affairs.

University of Kelaniya has received eight Erasmus+ outgoing mobility grants since 2017 including 6 staff mobility and two student mobility grants to Masaryk University. Ms. Nádeníčková is the first Erasmus+ grantee on incoming staff mobility from Masaryk University to visit University of Kelaniya. During her mobility she also took part in the 60th Anniversary. Education Exhibition of the University of Kelaniya from 27th to 29th November 2019.

The visit was coordinated by the Centre for International Affairs.


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