Wednesday, 03 July 2024

World Philosophy Day Celebration

Set of events to celebrate the World Philosophy Day was held on the 30th of November 2021 at the Auditorium, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya. It was organized by the Department of Philosophy.

A Guest Lecture was done by Prof. Sumanasiri Liyanage, Department of Economic and Statistics, University of Peradeniya. Prof. M. M. Gunathilaka, Dean- Faculty of Social Sciences, Senior Lecturer D.D.R De Silva, Head- Department of Philosophy, other Heads of Departments representing Faculty of Social Sciences, academic staff members and, undergraduates of the department participated in the occasion.

Parallel to that, Dharshanika Lipi (Annual Peer Reviewed Index Journal), and the E-Magazine for undergraduates launched in the presence of Cadre Chair & Senior Prof. Nilanthi de Silva, Vice Chancellor of the University of Kelaniya at the Vice Chancellor's Office. Senior Lecturer D. D. R. De Silva, Head- Department of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer Ven. Kumbukandana Rewatha Thero, Senior lecturer Dr. Manoji Harischandra (Editors of the Dharshanika Lipi), Senior lecturer Dr. Chamila Siriwardhane, Chief Editor- E-Magazine, Mr. Gayan Sameera, Mr. Radhika Hansana, Miss Dinithi Nuwandi (Co-Editors of the E-Magazine) and the academic staff of the Department of Philosophy participated in the event.



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