Saturday, 15 March 2025

Re-commencement of the Task of Collection and Digitization of Palm Leaf Manuscripts

Under the Palm Leaf Manuscripts Collection and Digitization project conducted by the Palm Leaf Manuscripts Study and Research Library (PLMSRL), attached to Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, the first event of collecting and digitizing of Palm Leaf Manuscripts commenced at Palm Leaf Manuscripts repository available at the Meerigama Wal Bothale Raja Maha Vihararya on 13th October 2023 after the temporary suspension of the task,

owing to the covid 19 pandemic and recent economic crisis situation. 

Resource persons of the task were guided by Senior Prof. M. K. Weerasinghe, the Director of PLMSRL and the Head of the Department of Library Information (DLIS) comprised of Ven. Dr. Lagumdeniye Piyarathana Thero and some staff members of DLIS and the Technical staff of the PLMSRL.




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