Saturday, 15 March 2025

5th International Conference on Library and Information Management (ICLIM -2023)

The Department of Library and Information Science (DLIS) University of Kelaniya, in collaboration with RCSS, University of Kelaniya and Bharathidasan University India, successfully held its 5th International Conference on Library and Information Management (ICLIM -2023) on 29th - 30th November 2023 at the University Premises.

The theme of the conference was “Re-engineering Library and Information Services through Collaborative Strategies: A way forward.”  Nine sub-themes majoring in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS), including other disciplines in Humanities and Social Sciences, were covered in the ICLIM 2023.

Senior Professor Nilanthi de Silva, Vice Chancellor, University of Kelaniya, was the Chief Guest at the ceremony. Dr. Satyanjal Pandey, Deputy High Commissioner, High Commission of India, was the Guest of Honour at the occasion. As a foreign invitee, Prof. Ankuran Dutta, Director of Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre, graced the occasion. Prof S.Srinivasaragavan, Bharathidasan University, India, was the keynote Speaker. Dr P. Venkata Rao, Director of Knowledge Management, Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration, India, graced the occasion as the Theme Speaker.

Representing the University of Kelaniya, Prof. M.M Gunathilake, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences; Senior Prof. N. A. K. P. J. Seneviratne, Chairman, Research Council; Senior Prof. M.K Weerasinghe, Conference Chair and Head of the Department; Senior Prof W.A Weerasooriya, Conference Chair, Dr. C.C Jayasundara, Librarian, Deans and staff of other faculties and academic members of the Department and other distinguished local and foreign invitees graced the inaugural ceremony.

The conference was held in conjunction with commemorating the 50th anniversary of DLIS and ended with a valedictory session comprising a team of Senior LIS local and foreign experts. Prof R. Balasubramani Chaired the Session. Senior Prof W.A. Weerasooriya, Dr P. Venkata Rao, Mr. R. Maheswaran, and Dr. T. Pratheepan were the Panel Members. 




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