The first ever International Day of University Sport (IDUS) Celebration in Sri Lanka
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International Day of University Sport (IDUS), officially proclaimed by the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organisation (UNESCO) since 2016 was held for the first time in Sri Lanka on 20th of September 2020 at University of Kelaniya
premises with nearly 300 participants including Chairmen of Sports Advisory Boards, Directors and Instructors in Physical Education and undergraduates from all fourteen members of Sri Lanka Universities Sports Association (SLUSA), the governing body of Sri Lanka University Sport. This event was jointly organized by the SLUSA and University of Kelaniya.
Senior Prof. Janitha A. Liyanage, Deputy Vice-Chairperson- University Grants Commission was the chief guest and Cadre Chair & Senior Prof. Nilanthi de Silva, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Kelaniya was the Guest of honour of the IDUS 2020 celebration. Mr. Amal Edirisooriya, Director General- Department of Sports Department, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and Senior Prof. S.R.D. Kalingamudali, Dean- Faculty of Science and Chairman- Sports Advisory Board, University of Kelaniya and other members of Sports Advisory board, Dr. Chandrakantha Mahendranathan, President- SLUSA, Mrs. Rohini Antony, Secretary- SLUSA, other office bearers and ExCo of SLUSA ware graced the occasion.
Morning session was an academic session for the participants. Introduction to IDUS and its importance was presented by new FISU Student Ambassadors 2020/21 Mr. Themiya Damruwan and Mr. Ranoj Norbert, which was followed by the presentations on NUSF activities and FISU activities for students delivered respectively by IDUS 2020 organizing committee Chairman and the Vice- President of SLUSA Mr. K.R.D.C. Rathnamudali and FISU Student Ambassador for the year 2019/20 Mr. Akhila Nilaweera.
Keynote address on ‘Past, Present and Future of Sri Lankan University Sports’ was delivered by Senior Prof. Tilak P.D. Gamage, former President- SLUSA & Professor in Limnology and Water Technology which was followed by the highlight of morning session.
Senior Prof. S.R.D. Kalingamudali, Dean- Faculty of Science and Chairman- Sports Advisory Board of University of Kelaniya, Senior Lecturer Dr. Narein Perera, Chairman- Sports Advisory Board, University of Moratuwa, Professor Tharaka Dassanayake, Professor in Neurophysiology & Consultant in Neurophysiology and Cognition, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya and Lecturer Kaushal Manawadu, Department of Sports Science and Management, University of Sri Jayewardhanapura ware the panelists of the panel discussion was moderated by SLUSA representative for FVLA June session Mr. Mevan Induruwa.
Evening session was on team building activities where students from different universities given chance to strengthen the bonds among themselves. The event was concluded by awarding certificates to all participants including media volunteers.
Souvenir T-shirt and mug was designed for the IDUS 2020 celebration was energized and coloured with Sri Lankan traditional dancing performed by the undergraduates of the University of Kelaniya, the welcome dance and entertainment dancing item choreographed by Ms. Chathuri Wijesekara, member of Track and Field and Karate teams, 02nd year Dancing special degree student of the university.