Orientation Program of Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Humanities
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The Inauguration Ceremony of the Orientation Program of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Humanities was held on 01st of August 2022 from 09.00hrs onwards, at the Sri Dharmaloka Hall of the University of Kelaniya.
The event was held physically and online, where invitees and the staff participated physically and virtually while the students and parents participated virtually. The event was organized to welcome the new undergraduates of the 2020/2021 intake, and Keynote address was delivered by Ven. Senior Professor Induragare Dhammarathana Thero. The orientation program was held online from 1st of August to 5th of August 2022. Introduction of the Departments of Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Humanities, Introduction of the Inter-Faculty Centre for Coordinating the Modular Systems (ICCMS), Internship and Skills Development Unit, Library and its services, ICT centre, Panel Discussion on student matters and services, Introduction of Art Council, Sport Centre, Kalana Mithuru Sevana, Career Guidance Unit, Medical Centre, Communication and Media Unit and an Entertainment program were the events which were covered during the 5 days of the Orientation Program. Senior Professor Nilanthi de Silva, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Kelaniya, Professor M.M. Gunathilaka, Dean-Faculty of Social Sciences, Dr. Sudath Senarath, Dean-Faculty of Humanities, Heads of the Departments and Units, Dr. Nadeesha Mathotaarachchige, Director of Student Affairs, Academic staff members and Academic support staff of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Humanities, Mr K K K Dharmathilaka, Registrar-University of Kelaniya, and Mrs H.K.D.W.M.S.K. Hapuhinna, Deputy Registrar, Academic Division and other non-academic staff participated at the occasion.