Ceremony of Long Service Awards and Vice–Chancellor’s Awards 20232023
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The Ceremony of Long Service Awards and Vice-Chancellor’s Awards of the University of Kelaniya was held on the 1st of January 2024 at the Dharmaloka Hall of the University.
The prime objective of the Ceremony, which has been held annually since 2007, was to appreciate the service of the academic and non-academic staff members during the previous year and encourage them further.
Prof. (Mrs.) Nilanthi de Silva, Vice Chancellor - Department of Parasitology, Prof. A. R. Wickremasinghe - Department of Public Health, Prof. H. A. de Silva - Department of Pharmacology, Prof. A. P. Premawardhena - Department of Medicine, Prof. B. A. H. R. Premaratna - Department of Medicine, Prof. N. A. K. P. J. Seneviratne - Department of Chemistry, Prof. A. P. de Silva - Department of Medicine, Prof. (Mrs.) Y. I. N. S. Gunawardana - Molecular Medicine Unit, Prof. N. K. Gunawardena - Department of Parasitology, Prof. S. S. Williams - Department of Psychiatry, Prof. (Ms.) N. Jayathilaka - Department of Chemistry, Prof. U. K. Ranawaka - Department of Medicine, Prof. A. S. Dassanayake - Department of Pharmacology, Prof. M. A. Niriella - Department of Medicine, Prof. (Mrs.) K. T. A. A. Kasthuriratne - Department of Public Health, Prof. (Mrs.) S. P. Sumanasena - Department of Disability Studies, Prof. (Mrs.) G. P. G. M. D. Hapugoda - Molecular Medicine Unit, Prof. D. S. G. Mettananda - Department of Paediatrics, Prof. P. A. D. H. N. Gunathilaka - Department of Parasitology, Prof. (Mrs.) B. T. S. D. P. Kannangara - Department of Plant & Molecular Biology, Prof. S. T. de Silva - Department of Medicine, Prof. S. F. Jayamanne - Department of Medicine, Prof. (Ms.) K. P. R. N. Attanayake - Department of Plant & Molecular Biology, Prof. (Mrs) D. Rathnayake - Department of Modern Languages, Prof.(Mrs.) P. S. Perera - Department of Biochemistry & Clinical Chemistry, Prof. (Mrs.) D. A. D. A. Daranagama - Department of Plant & Molecular Biology, Prof. E. P. D. S. Ediriweera - Health Data Science Unit, Dr. K. A. Salvin - Department of Anatomy, Dr. (Mrs.) W. P. T. Hansameenu - Department of Mathematics, Dr. (Mrs) N. H. Manamperi - Department of Parasitology, Dr. M. B. K. C. Dayasiri - Department of Paediatrics, and Mr. H. L. Perera / Staff Technical Officer - Department of Medicine received Vice- Chancellor’s awards for bringing honor to the university by winning prestigious national or international awards and to Academic Staff who have provided commendable service to the University.
Dr. A. K. A. B. Baminiwatta - Department of Psychiatry, Dr. M. B. K. C. Dayasiri - Department of Paediatrics, Prof. P. A. D. H. N. Gunathilaka - Department of Parasitology, and Dr. (Mrs.) K. G. Kodikara, Department of Medical Education won first place, second place, and merit awards respectively for the Outstanding Young Researchers in the Faculty of Medicine.
Ms. E. Rebecca - Department of Human Resource Management, and Ms. R. S. Ranwala - Department of Commerce & Financial Management won first and second places respectively for the Outstanding Young Researchers in the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies.
Dr. R. R. L. U. I. Rajapaksha - Department of Computer Systems Engineering received the award for Outstanding Young Researchers in the Faculty of Computing & Technology.
Dr. (Ms.) K. C. Ayanthi - Department of Industrial Management, Prof. (Mrs.) D. A. D. A. Daranagama - Department of Plant and Molecular Biology, Dr. (Mrs.) H. M. T. R. Samarakoon - Department of Zoology and Environmental Management, and Ms. W. H. M. V. P. Edirisinghe - Department of Plant and Molecular Biology won first place, second place, and merit awards respectively for the Outstanding Young Researchers in the Faculty of Science.
Prof. (Mrs.) L. D. Amarasinghe - Department of Zoology & Environmental Management, Prof. (Mrs.) D. S. M. de Silva - Department of Chemistry, won the first and second places respectively for the Outstanding Researchers in the Faculty of Science while Prof. (Mrs.) P. A. Paranagama - Department of Chemistry, Prof. N. A. K. P. J. Seneviratne - Department of Chemistry, Prof. G. A. S. M. Ganehiarachchi - Department of Zoology and Environmental Management, Prof. (Ms.) N. Jayathilaka - Department of Chemistry, Prof. (Mrs.) R. A. S. P. Senanayake - Department of Plant and Molecular Biology, Prof. W. M. J. I. Wijayanayake - Department of Industrial Management, Prof. U. P. K. Epa - Department of Zoology and Environmental Management, Prof. (Mrs) P. A. S. R. Wickramarachchi - Department of Chemistry, Prof. (Mrs.) B. T. S. D. P. Kannangara - Department of Plant and Molecular Biology, Prof. R. M. C. S. Rathnayake - Department of Plant and Molecular Biology, Prof. (Ms.) K. P. R. N. Attanayake - Department of Plant and Molecular Biology, Prof. K. M. D. C. Jayathilaka - Department of Physics & Electronics, Prof. (Mrs.) I. V. N. Rathnayake - Department of Microbiology, Prof. (Mrs.) N. V. Chandrasekara - Department of Statistics & Computer Science, Dr. R. C. L. de Silva - Department of Chemistry, Dr. A. P. R. Wickramarachchi - Department of Industrial Management, Dr. M. P. Deeyamulla - Department of Chemistry, Dr. R. A. C. P. Rajapakse - Department of Industrial Management, Dr. (Ms.) H. M. Herath - Department of Plant and Molecular Biology, Dr. (Mrs.) R. P. Wanigatunge - Department of Plant and Molecular Biology, Dr. C. C. Kadigamuwa - Department of Chemistry, and Dr. (Ms.) K. H. W. L. de Silva - Department of Plant and Molecular Biology secured merit awards under the same category.
Prof. A. C. de Alwis - Department of Human Resource Management, Prof. (Mrs.) H. A. K. N. S. Surangi - Department of Commerce & Financial Management and Prof. K. K. Tilakasiri - Department of Accountancy won first place, second place, and merit awards respectively for the Outstanding Researchers in the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies.
Prof. D. S. G. Mettananda - Department of Paediatrics, Prof. W. M. M. L. Chandradasa - Department of Psychiatry, Prof. H. T. C. S. Abeysena - Department of Public Health, and Prof. (Mrs.) K. C. D. Mettananda - Department of Pharmacology won first place, second place, and merit awards respectively for the Outstanding Researchers in the Faculty of Medicine.
Dr. (Mrs.) N. P. D. Padmakanthi - Department of Economics received the award for Outstanding Researcher in the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Dr. W. D. C. Udayanga - Department of Applied Computing, and Dr. (Ms.) S. M. Pathirana - Department of Applied Computing were the recipients of the Highest Amount of External Research Grants in the Faculty of Computing & Technology (Joint Work).
Prof. (Mrs.) D. S. M. de Silva - Department of Chemistry was the recipient of the Highest amount of External Research Grants in the Faculty of Science.
Prof. D. S. G. Mettananda - Department of Paediatrics was the researcher with the Highest Number of Publications in indexed Journals in the Faculty of Medicine.
Prof. A. C. de Alwis - Department of Human Resource Management was the researcher with the Highest Number of Publications in indexed Journals in the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies.
Dr. R. R. L. U. I. Rajapaksha - Department of Computer Systems Engineering was the researcher with the Highest Number of Publications in indexed Journals in the Faculty of Computing & Technology.
Prof. (Mrs.) L. D. Amarasinghe - Department of Zoology and Environmental Management was the researcher with the Highest Number of Publications in indexed Journals in the Faculty of Science 2023.
The Faculty with the Highest Number of Research Papers Presented in Research Conferences / Symposia Organized by it and its Departments / Centers / Units in the University was the Faculty of Science while Prof. S.R.D. Kalingamudali, Dean - Faculty of Science accepted it on behalf of the faculty.
Dr. R. C. L. de Silva - Department of Chemistry was the researcher with the most publications from University (Internal) research grants.
Prof. S. R. D. Kalingamudali – Dean, Faculty of Science won first place while Prof. L. B. D. R. P. Wijesundara - Department of Physics & Electronics, Prof. K. M. D. C. Jayathilaka - Department of Physics & Electronics, Prof. A. L. A. K. Ranaweera - Department of Physics & Electronics, Dr. J. A. Seneviratne - Department of Physics & Electronics, Dr. P. L. A. K. Piyumal - Department of Physics & Electronics received the second place and Prof. N. A. K. P. J. Seneviratne - Department of Chemistry, Prof. (Ms.) N. Jayathilaka - Department of Chemistry secured third place under the category of the Best Innovators/Inventors in the University.
Dr. (Ms.) G.K.R. Jayaweera - Department of Economics, and Mr. E.W.A.H.C. Gunasinghe - Department of History were the Academics with the most outstanding Creative Literary Work in the University.
Dr. M.B.K.C. Dayasiri - Department of Paediatrics was the Academic with the most Outstanding Creative Production in the University.
Prof. (Mrs.) K. L. K. N. C. Premawardhena – Director, Center for International Affairs, Prof. (Mrs.) C. D. S. Wettewe – Director, Career Guidance Unit, Dr. (Mrs.) E. A. D. A. Edirisinghe – Director, Center for Gender Studies, Mr. R. S. G. Rajapaksha – Director, Communication and Media Unit and Dr. P. W. Samarasekere, Director, University Business Linkage Cell, and Dr. D. M. N. S. W. Dissanayake – Director, Central Business Incubator, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies were the Most Successful Directors of the center/unit/committee of the University.
Prof. M. A. Y. L. Nadeesha – Director, Student Affairs received the Appreciation for Outstanding, Selfless, and Dedicated Service in the Post of Director/ Student Affairs in the University.
Prof. R. K. L. M. Dharmasiri - Department of Geography was the Best Promoter of International Relations at the University.
The library won the Award for the Best Website in the University, and the award was received by Mr. Kasun Munasinghe, Web Master of the Library.
Under the category of Award to the Faculty with the Best Website in the University, the Faculty of Medicine won first place, and the award was received by Dr. Harith Wickramasekara, Faculty Web Master while Dr. Madurika Nanayakkara, Lead, Web & Analytics, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies and Mr. P.W.A.S.D. Ransara, Faculty web Master, Faculty of Social Sciences received the awards for the second and third places respectively.
Under the category of Award to the Department with the Best Website in the University, Ms. Dasini Madurasinghe, Webmaster of the Department of Mass Communication won first Place while Mr. Thilina Karunanayaka, Webmaster of the Department of Marketing Management, and Prof. Anuradhani Kasthurirathna, Webmaster of the Department of Public Health received the second and third places respectively.
Under the category of Award to the Unit / Centre with the Best Website in the University Mr. G.R.I.L. Jayasooriya, Webmaster of the Centre for Distance and Continuing Education won the first place while Ms. W.R.D. Padmasiri, Webmaster of the Career Guidance Unit, and Prof. N.A.K.P.J. Senevirathna of the Research Council received the awards for the second and third places respectively.
Ven. Prof. Raluwe Padmasiri Thero from the Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies received the Award to the Institute with the Best Website in the University.
Senior Prof. Nilanthi de Silva, Vice-Chancellor, Deans of Faculties, Directors of Postgraduate Institutes, Librarian, Registrar & Bursar were among the participants of this special ceremony. All the awards, medals, and certificates were distributed by the Vice-Chancellor Senior Prof. Nilanthi de Silva. Deans of Faculties, Heads of Departments, Registrar, Bursar, Librarian, and academic and non-academic staff members were among the distinguished guests.
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