Nobendi Premaya by the Buddhist Student’s Association
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The Buddhist Students’ Association of the University of Kelaniya organized an entertainment program called “Nobendi Premaya” on the 20th of February 2024 at Sri Dharmaloka Hall.
The event was graced by Senior Professor Nilanthi De Silva, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Kelaniya as the Chief Guest. Senior Professor Most Ven. Induragare Dhammaratana Thero, Senior Lecturer Saman Rajapaksha, Director of the Communication and Media Unit, Senior Lecturer Tharindu Dananjaya Weerasinghe, and Visiting Lecturer Ms. Priyanwada Hewathenna, Attorney-At-Law were the resource persons of this program. The program was held according to the concept of Senior Lecturer Ven. Udawela Rewatha Thero, Chief Advisor of the Buddhist Students Association. Lecturer Ven. Udagaladeniye Dhammawimala Thero, Senior Treasurer of the Buddhist Students’ Association, Deans of the Faculties, and Heads of Departments also participated in the event. Gamindu Weerasinghe, President of the Buddhist Students’ Association, and the office bearers organized the event attractively while the Communication and Media Unit live-streamed it via Vidulakara TV.