Thursday, 06 March 2025

Discussion between the University of Kelaniya and the Sichuan University, China

A discussion between the University of Kelaniya and Sichuan University, China was held on the 09th of January 2019 at the Office of the Vice- Chancellor. The discussion was held with the objective of inquiring about the ability to do historical architectural constructions and 3D creations, according to a previous MoU signed between the two Universities. 

Prof. D.M. Semasinghe, Vice- Chancellor of the University of Kelaniya and Prof. Yunzhang Li. Vice- Dean of Architecture and Environment College led the discussion.

Present at the occasion were Prof. A.H.M.H. Abayarathne, Dean- Faculty of Social Sciences, Senior Lecturer Dr. Mangala Katugampola, Head- Department of Archaeology, Senior Lecturer Dr. Chandima Bogahawatta, representing the University of Kelaniya and Lecturer Haoshu Wang, Director- Laboratory of the Department of Architecture, Lecturer Dr. Xia Wang, Vice- Head of the Department of Architecture, representing the Sichuan University.


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