Four New Heads of the Departments
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Four new Heads of Departments assumed duties on the 16th of January 2019. The appointment letters were handed over to the Heads by the Vice- Chancellor, Prof. D.M. Semasinghe at the Office of the Vice- Chancellor.
Senior Lecturer Dr. Praba Manuratne was assigned as the Head of the Department of English while Senior Lecturer Sudath Senarath was designated as the Head of the Department of Linguistics. Senior Lecturer Dr. Dhammika Weerasinghe was assigned as the new Head of the Department of Computer Systems Engineering while Senior Lecturer Dr. Sidath Liyanage was appointed as the Head of the Department of Software Engineering.
Present at the occasion were Mr. W.M. Karunaratne, Registrar and Ms. A.L.M.S.D. Ambegoda, Deputy Registrar- Academic Establishment.