Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Inauguration Ceremony of Diploma in ERP 2022

The inauguration ceremony of the 2nd external batch and the 7th internal batch of Diploma in ERP was held via Zoom, on the 7th of May 2022.

The Diploma in ERP is offered online by the Department of Marketing Management (DMM). This diploma is the first ERP diploma offered by a state university in the country. The DMM is known for its groundbreaking initiatives in the education sector and the Diploma in ERP is one of its innovative initiatives that marks a significant contribution to the Sri Lankan economy by upskilling the business professionals.

As an ISO 9001-2015 certified academic body, the Diploma in ERP offered by the DMM is combined with a promise of quality in teaching, learning, and assessments. In the year 2016, Diploma in ERP has introduced as an industry-based qualification through the partnerships of the SAP University Alliance program and the strategic partnership with attuning. As a farsighted academic body, DMM saw the significance of equipping the young professionals of the country with the right tools to make them readily employable. Today, unlike any other time, we witness the role that integrated systems play in organizations. Integrated systems have become an integral part of business today. Hence, the introduction of a Diploma in ERP that targets disseminating the knowledge and hands-on exposure to ERP systems with close collaboration with the industry will cater to the demand for a workforce with integrated systems literacy. 

The inauguration ceremony was graced by Dr. P N D Fernando, Dean-Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies as the chief guest, and Mr. Sanjeev Walgampaya, Senior Vice President- Asia Pacific, attune Consulting was the guest of honor and the keynote speaker. Mr. Sujith Jayasekara- Support Services Manager, SAP at attuning, Prof. Ravi Dissanayake -Head, Department of Marketing Management, Ms. Shanika Wijenayake- Coordinator of Diploma ERP, academic staff members of the faculty, and the selected candidates of the batch of 2022 in Diploma in ERP participated in this inauguration ceremony.


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