“Ashirvadha Pinkama” by the Department of Human Resource Management
- Commerce and Management Studies
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An “Ashirvadha Pinkama” organized by AHEAD, the student association of the Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya was held on the 11th of May 2018 at Kelaniya temple.
The event which was organized under the assistance and guidance of the then Head of the Department, Senior Lecturer Dr. D.U. Mohan including the academic staff members, was held with the objective of receiving the blessings of the triple gem for the new batch of undergraduates prior to the commencing of their degree programme.
Strengthening the partnership between the 1st year and 2nd year batches, team based skill development and learning to work according to a contingency plan were the other objectives aimed at through the “Ashirvadha Pinkama”.
This Pinkama resulted in developing the mutual relationship between the undergraduates and the academic staff members of the Department of Human Resource Management.