10th International Conference on Business and Information
- Commerce and Management Studies
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10th International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI - 2019) conducted by Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, was held on 17th of October 2019 at the faculty auditorium.
The conference was themed as “Business Transformation in Emerging Technology Landscape”, which was inaugurated by Prof. Prashanta Kumer Banerjee, Director- Research Development and Consultancy, Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management. As a whole, 78 papers were presented at the conference and based on the reviewer’s comments, presentation and the quality of the papers, best papers were awarded.
Prof. D.M. Semasinghe, Vice-Chancellor, University of Kelaniya was the chief guest for the occasion while, Senior Lecturer Dr. Narada Fernando, Dean- Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, Cadre Chair & Senior Prof. N.P. Sunil Chandra, Chairman- Research Council, Prof. P.M.C. Thilakarathna, Director- Centre for Distance & Continuing Education, Senior Prof. Chitra Ranjani, Chairman- ICBI, Dr. Ajith Medis, Co-Chairman- ICBI, Prof. Susima Weligamage, Secretary- ICBI graced the event as the other distinguished guests.
All the academic staff of Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies, the invited industry resource persons and undergraduates attended for the event.