Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Meeting between Associate Professor Mohan Thite, Griffith University, Australia & Department of Human Resource Management, University of Kelaniya

Associate Prof. Mohan Thite, Griffith Business School, Griffith University, Australia visited to University of Kelaniya as a visiting professor for Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies, University oF Kelaniya.

A meeting was held on 07th of January, 2020 in Board Room of Faculty of Commerce & Management between Associate Prof. Mohan Thite & academic members of Department of Human Resource.

The prime objective of the event was to share the experiences of the said professors with the Academic Staff on "How to publish articles in ranked journals?” and meet prospective PhD candidates in order to help them in finding the PhD opportunities in Griffith University or somewhere else.

Present at the occasion were Senior Lecturer Dr. M.P.N. Janadari, Head- Department of Human Resource Management & other academic staff members of the department.


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