Saturday, 06 July 2024

Education Beyond the Classroom: Differently Abled Undergraduate Receives an Electric Wheelchair

The “Differently Abled Undergraduate Fund” provided an electric wheelchair to an undergraduate on the 24th of November at the Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya. 


‘Education’ is often associated with in-class activities, assignments, presentations, and theory-based learning. However, many fail to realize that most Sri Lankan students lack the means of accessing any and all types of resources to uplift and inspire their journey with education. 


The Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, takes bold measures to ensure the right to education without any discrimination for their students. Hence, “Differently Abled Undergraduate Fund” was initiated by Senior Prof. Sudath Kalingamudali, Dean- Faculty of Science. Recipient of the electric wheelchair is a first-year undergraduate of the Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya. (Academic Year 2019/2020)


This is not the first time put the “Differently Abled Undergraduate Fund” to good use, and several students were provided with electronic wheelchairs and other functional electronic equipment, with the utmost support and generous contributions from the members of the Faculty of Science, Alumni in Australia, Canada, and the USA.


The electric wheelchair allows students to be more independent and be involved in various day-to-day activities and educational practices without having to depend on frequent assistance. In line with the UNESCO SDG 4, the Faculty of Science revolutionises the journey to obtain education for students by continuing to adapt inclusive education practices and sets in stone an initiative towards a larger goal.   


Cadre Chair & Senior Prof. Nilanthi de Silva, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Kelaniya, Senior Prof. Sudath Kalingamudali, Dean- Faculty of Science, academic and nonacademic staff members, and the recipient of the wheelchair with her family were present at the occasion.


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