Collaborative Agreement Signed between the University of Kelaniya (UoK) and the Kyoto College of Graduate School for Informatics (KCGI)
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A collaborative agreement was signed between the University of Kelaniya and the Kyoto College of Graduate School for Informatics (KCGI) on the 27th of June 2019 at the Senate Room.
Present at the occasion were Prof. D.M. Semasinghe, Vice- Chancellor, Prof. Ariyarathna Jayamaha, Dean- Faculty of Graduate Studies, Prof. Patrick Rathnayake, Dean- Faculty of Humanities, Senior Lecturer Dr. P.N.D. Fernando, Dean- Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies, Mr. W.M. Karunaratne, Registrar, Mr. K.B.S.L. Wijerathne, Assistant Registrar, Faculty of Graduate Studies.