Award of Top User of Emerald Content 2018/2019
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The Library of the University of Kelaniya was presented an award of appreciation by Emerald Publishing in the United Kingdom for being the Top user of Emerald Content 2018/2019.The award was presented to Dr. C.C. Jayasundara, Librarian of University of Kelaniya by Emerald Publishing Group at the 10th International Research Conference of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka (IRCULA - 2019) held on 18th September 2019 at Mount Lavinia Hotel, Colombo.
The award was officially handed over to Prof. D.M. Semasinghe, Vice-Chancellor, University of Kelaniya at a meeting held at the Vice-Chancellor’s office. Present at the occasion was senior academic staff members of the university library.
The Vice-Chancellor congratulated the librarian and his dedicated staff as well as enthusiastic students and researchers of the university for this greater achievement.