Friday, 28 February 2025

General Convocation – 2021 Faculty of Post Graduate Studies University of Kelaniya

Hon.Reverend Sirs / Candidates,

We hope you would realize that it is impossible to hold a ceremonial convocation as usual, due to the Covid -19 pandemic existing in the country. However, many postgraduate candidates constantly make requests to obtain the degree certificates for their official requirements. The university can do so only by awarding degrees “in abesentia

Award of degrees In Abesentia

Under existing provision, the university will conduct a convocation on a specific date and award degrees in the absence of the graduand. Graduand may obtain their degree certificate thereafter. Only a sum of Rs.1000/- will be charged for this purpose.

If you wish to obtain your degree “ in abesentia ” , you should submit your information to Deputy Registrar / Examination Division before 31.01.2021 from the link should be sent.

If you have already sent an application via registered post to the Examination Branch for a general convocation by now, you must provide us with the above information as well. If you have paid an additional sum of money along with the application, measures will be taken to refund that amount, via the Shroff counter of the university , on the day of receiving the degree certificate.

Moreover , candidates who have completed the degree , but not received the calling letter for general convocation , can also obtain their degrees  “ in abesentia ”.They could obtain their degree “ in abesentia ” by sending the completed the aforementioned data sheet , along with a receipt for a payment of Rs.1000/ , to the Examination Branch , via registered post.( Account number of the University of Kelaniya 055 – 100130667553 / Peoples Bank – Kelaniya Branch)

Further the information can be obtained from 0112-903111 / 112 /113/114


Deputy Registrar / Examination Branch


*The candidates those who have not yet received the applications (those who have their names in the result   sheets) can visit the web after 25.01.2021, can download the applications.

*When the degree is awardedin abesentia ” it is not permitted to award it again“ in persona”

Sinhala and English Notice

Convocation Application

Result Sheets


MA one Year Sheet 1

MA one Year Sheet 2

MA one Year Sheet 3

MA two year

Master of Accounting

Master of Commerce








MSc one year



postgraduate diploma


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