Written Examination for Selecting Candidates for the Post of Assistant Librarian - Aptitude Test 2023
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The shortlisted applicants for the Written Examination for Selecting Candidates for the Post of Assistant Librarian are given below.
List of candidates with Index Nos.
The above-listed applicants are requested to download your admission card using the link below.
The above-listed candidates are requested to be present at the aptitude test scheduled to be held on 03.11.2023 at 10.00 a.m. in the Dharmaloka Hall, University of Kelaniya. The candidates are requested to bring your National Identity Card along with the letter received by you through the registered post and the downloaded Admission Card. It is mandatory to bring the admission card by attestation of signature to the test.
Please note that no candidate mentioned above can claim this as being qualified to be summoned for the respective selection committee interview/appointed to the respective post.
University of Kelaniya