Thursday, 19 December 2024

The 1st MBS Business Capstone Colloquium – 2021

The 1st MBS Business Capstone Colloquium of Master of Business Studies Degree program of the Department of Commerce and Financial Management was held on the 26th of December 2021 at Waters Edge.

The main objective of this event was to present the business Capstone projects of MBS Class I students and to provide feedback on their work. Thirteen Business cases were presented by the MBS Learning partners at the event. Dr. M.M.M. Shamil, Head of the Department of Commerce and Financial Management, and the MBS teaching Panel participated as the evaluators of the business case studies.

The Keynote speech was given by Mr. Chaaminda Kumarasiri, Chairman - HCP Consultants. Dr. P.N.D. Fernando, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies participated as the Chief Guest. Senior Professor J.M.D. Ariyarathne, Dean - Faculty of Graduate Studies as the guest of honor, staff members, students and industry guests were among the distinguished participants.



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