Two Gold Awards won by the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies
- Commerce and Management Studies
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The Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies (FCMS) of the University of Kelaniya won two gold awards at the National Convention on Quality and Productivity (NCQP) competition 2022, organized by the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Quality and Productivity (SLAAQP).
The awards were won under the Quality Circles & Cross-Functional category at the award ceremony held on the 21st of February 2023, at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall, Colombo.
One gold award was won by the “Digitalization of Student Information and Results Management System” presented by the team “Good to Great”, which allows students to register for exams, download admissions, enter student results, verify student details, and view student results. The system aims at reducing waiting time and eliminating paper waste.
The other gold award was won by the “Digitalization of Internship System of FCMS” presented by the team “Agile”, which facilitates reporting, retrieving, and evaluating all training records of all degree programs at the faculty in electronic form. It is also the first Digital Internship System in a Sri Lankan University which replaces manual training records.
Dr. Narada Fernando - Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, Prof. Renuka Herath, Senior Lecturer Chatura Liyanage; Lecturer L. A. Shanka Perera and Ms. H. R. M. P. Ranaweera - Systems Analyst represented the team named “Team Good to Great”. Senior Lecturer D. M. Mudith Sujeewa, Lecturer W. D. J. D. Weerasinghe, Lecturer W. T. N. M. Perera, and Lecturer Vimansha Ranasinghe represented the “Team Agile”.