Financial Engineering Felicitation ceremony 2023
- Commerce and Management Studies
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Financial Engineering Felicitation Ceremony 2023, with the aim of felicitating all the lecturers who have been conducting lectures for the first batch of the Financial Engineering Degree program and all the Industry Partners; CFA Society, Sri Lanka, Acuity Knowledge Partners (Pvt)Ltd, and KPMG Sri Lanka,
was held on 03rd March 2023 at the Sunil Shantha Memorial Auditorium of the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies. Further, a Memorandum of understanding between the University of Kelaniya and KPMG Sri Lanka was signed at the same occasion.
The main objective of the MOU is to award a gold medal to the most outstanding student of the B.B. Mgt. Honours Financial Engineering Degree program with exceptional performance in co-curricular activities and who obtained a first-class (GPA of 3.7 or above). Further, KPMG will provide training opportunities for the fourth-year undergraduates of B.B. Mgt. Honors in Financial Engineering at the Deal Advisory Division of KPMG, Sri Lanka.
The occasion was graced with the presence of Senior Prof. Nilanthi de Silva, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Kelaniya; Dr. Narana Fernando, Dean-Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies; Prof. Ruwan Abeysekera, Head- Department of Finance; Mr. K. K. K. Dharmathilaka, Registrar-University of Kelaniya, Dr. G.S. Wijesiri, Head- Department of Mathematics, Mr. Shiluka Goonewardene, Head-Deal Advisory, KPMG Sri Lanka; Representatives from the industry partners; Academic staff members of Department of Mathematics and Department of Finance; External resource personnel who have been conducting lectures for Financial Engineering degree program and the undergraduates of Financial Engineering Degree program.