Saturday, 06 July 2024

Senior Prof. S.R.D. Kalingamudali was appointed as the Dean of the Faculty of Science. The appointment letter was handed over to the Dean by the Vice- Chancellor, Prof. D.M. Semasinghe on the 02nd of January 2020 at the Senate Room.

Present at the occasion were Senior Prof. Lakshman Senevirathne, Deputy Vice- Chancellor, Heads & academic staff members of the Departments of the Faculty of Science, Mr. W.M. Karunaratne, Registrar and Ms. Dhammika Ambegoda, Assistant Registrar- Academic Establishment Division.

Professor Sudath Rajendra Deshapriya Kalingamudali assumed duties as the 15th Dean of the Faculty of Science on 03rd of January 2020 for a period of three years while the seth pirith was chanted by the Maha Sanga Venerable Dr Malwane Chandaratana Thero, Venerable Dr Dodamkumbure Dhammadassi Thero, and Venerable Dr Kapugollawe Anandakiththi Thero. Professor Kalingamudali is the 1st Physics alumnus of the Faculty to be its Dean.

 Senior Prof. S.R.D. Kalingamudali was appointed as the Dean of the Faculty of Science. The appointment letter was handed over to the Dean by the Vice- Chancellor, Prof. D.M. Semasinghe on the 02nd of January 2020 at the Senate Room.

Present at the occasion were Senior Prof. Lakshman Senevirathne, Deputy Vice- Chancellor, Heads & academic staff members of the Departments of the Faculty of Science, Mr. W.M. Karunaratne, Registrar and Ms. Dhammika Ambegoda, Assistant Registrar- Academic Establishment Division.

Senior Prof. S.R.D. Kalingamudali obtained his Bachelor’s Degree (BSc) from the University of Kelaniya and is a CSci, CEng, CPhys, FIET, FlnstP, FIP(SL), MIEEE qualified professor.


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