Saturday, 01 March 2025

Awarding the Degree “ in absentia”

You are kindly informed to send the duly completed application form by registered

post to reach the ''Senior Assistant Registrar /Examinations, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya'' on or before 05/08/2021 along with the Payment receipt certified by any branch of the Peoples Bank after making the following payment.

Application forms received after 05/08/2021 will be rejected. Please indicate on the top left hand corner of the envelope '' Convocation 2021'

Note :

  • This is only applicable to the students up to the academic year 2017/2018. ( Undergraduate)
  • For postgraduate students, Whose results have been released from the senate can apply for the convocation “In absentia”                                                                                                                                 




Yours faithfully,


Senior Assistant Registrar / Examinations

For Registrar


Email- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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