Wednesday, 03 July 2024

Students’ Finance Research Symposium 2018 organized for the 07th consecutive time by the Department of Finance of the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya was held on the 28th of November 2018 at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies. The symposium was held with the objective of developing research skills of the undergraduates who follow degree programmes at the Department of Finance.

Senior Lecturer Dr. M.M.M. Shamil, Department of Commerce & Financial Management delivered the keynote address of the event on the theme “Related Party of Disclosures”.

The inauguration of Inter- University Finance Quiz Competition organized for the 06th consecutive time, by the Department of Finance, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya in collaboration with Moody’s Analytics Knowledge Services was held on the 27th of October 2018 at the Board Room of the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies. This was organized in relation to ‘Investment Week -2018’, with the objective of improving undergraduates’ knowledge on financial studies.

The first round of the competition was held on the same day in which Mr. Jetha Elvitigala was the Quiz Master. 08 teams representing 08 state universities took part in the competition and the teams from the University of Kelaniya, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, University of Peradeniya got selected for the final round. Some representatives from Moody’s Analytics Knowledge Services represented the board of judges at this competition.

“Say Cheese” laughter therapy programme organized by the Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya was held on the 26th of October 2018 at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies. This was organized with the objective of reducing the stress among the undergraduates, using some relaxing activities relevant to laughter therapy.

The two television announcers, programme producers and veteran actors, Mr. Gaminda Priyawiraj (Podi Malli) and Mr. Sunethra Chithrananda (Chuti Malli) were the resource persons of the workshop. This was a novel experience for the undergraduates since it was based on practical activities relevant to laughter therapy.

“The Lord of the Debates- 2018” inter- departmental debating competition organized by the first year undergraduates of the Department of Finance, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya was held on the 17th of October 2018 at MBA hall. The competition was organized with the objective of developing soft skills of the undergraduates and strengthening the cooperation between the departments.

The debating teams representing the Department of Commerce and Financial Management. Department of Human Resource Management, Department of Finance, Department of Zoology and Environmental Management, Department of Marketing Management, Department of Mathematics, Department of Political Science, Department of Statistics & Computer Science and Department of Accountancy participated in the competition. Out of those, the teams from the Department of Human Resource Management, Department of Mathematics, Department of Statistic and Computer Science got selected for the semi- finals and the judgements were made by the board of judges consisting 15 academics.


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